Black Box is a Helium 10 tool that helps sellers narrow down a list of potential products to sell and focus on a selection of products that are the right fit for you.
Over 450 million products are tracked with Blackbox.
This helps you streamline the product research, providing insightful information that analyzes product competition, revenue, and market statistics.
Thank you, I can’t wait to use this SOP. I love Helium 10 tools and I am gradually switching over to their suite off tools as my subscriptions end for other tools I have been using.
Hi all, first post! I’ve been seeing people talk about Helium10 on facebook, and I watched the video on their site about all of it’s functionality, but what SaaS/tools is it capable of replacing?
For example, I assume you could use H10 to replace Scope?
Has anyone taken all the keywords/phrases they discovered using H10 and thrown them into teikametrics fly-wheel?
I’m looking at this SOP but I can’t find the Product Extraction with Blackbox Spreadsheet. it mentions in there. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Previously i was using helium 10 but it caused me some problems that were not being solved don’t know why. Black box being another helium 10 product i would be resistant to use this product.
For past few months I have been using jungle scout, though it prices are a bit high but its features are amazing.
Jungle Scout recent 8 weeks power features seminar launched some incredible features that allow amazon product sellers to keep track of everything in just one click.
They have also launched their black friday deals that offer discount upto 85% off and its really amazing.