Anyone encountered the new feature in the manage orders "request a review?
Hi @liahsidney,
I haven’t used the feature but here is what Amazon has to say about it:
We don’t require you to request reviews because our systems already do that on your behalf at no cost to you. If you would still like to request a review for a specific order, we recommended that you use the Request a review feature on the Order Details page instead of asking the customer via email or Buyer-Seller Messaging.
When you request a review using this feature, we ask for both a product review and seller feedback for the order in the same email. These requests use standardized language and are automatically translated into the customer’s preferred language.
You can use this feature to request reviews once per order between 4 and 30 days after the order delivery date. This ensures that customers receive relevant, recent review requests.
Hi @liahsidney !
Amazon’s New Request A Review Button is interesting, but I am not entirely sure that it is useful.
Basically, amazon already sends generic automated emails (I am sure you can recall getting a few of them when you purchase things on amazon)
The problem is that they are not personalized and they come straight from amazon.
The good thing is that this button complies with all of amazon’s Terms of service, so you won’t find yourself in trouble with them. There are other tools out there that allow you to automate more personal email to your orders, but then you start getting yourself into a grey area with amazon’s Terms Of Service. The decision is up to you!
@chcsteele9 We actually switched over to the request a review feature. You can request reviews in bulk using Viral Launch (in WEBS SOPs) or Jungle Scout.
I watched a Viral Launch webinar (tried to find the replay link but couldn’t) that talked about the pros of the request a review button. Basically, the customer doesn’t have to click any links to leave a product review. They can leave a review within the follow up. Also, customers no longer have to leave a written review to give a star rating. The ease with which customers can leave a review in this strategy has made review rates increase significantly. Viral Launch used an AirPods listing as an example. The listing had 3,000 reviews when the request a review feature was implemented in September 2019. They were at 38,000 reviews and a 4.6 star rating by February.
You can read more about it on Viral Launch’s blog but the choice is ultimately yours on which follow up you’d prefer.
@Mitch this is indeed helpful! Appreciate this update from you.
@Mitch have you heard of reviews wiped out?
@liahsidney I have not. What do you mean exactly? On variations or parent ASINs?