Takeaway #1 from mastermind

While I was at the mastermind weekend I wrote about yesterday, I took about 10 pages of notes that are going to massively boost my income in 2020.

Over the next week or so, I’m going to share some of my biggest takeaways.

Here’s the first…

If you are selling stuff online, you should seriously consider building (and amplifying) a personal brand.


Authority, credibility, and revenue on demand. (Bright Ideas is the most profitable thing I do)

While I have been building my brand for years, I have not been amplifying it nearly as well as I should have been. In 2020, that is going to change and my income is going to go up. A lot.

How do you amplify?

Ad spend.

More ad spend = more eyeballs = more subscribers = more revenue on demand.

Tomorrow, I’ll dig more into the ways to do this.

For today, my ask is this: please take 2 minutes right now to complete my community feedback survey.

Why? Because I’m going to come out with some free training material for you and if you don’t tell me what you want/need, I won’t know what to create.

Sound fair?

Go fill out the survey now, ok?

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Hi Trent, thank you for this useful insight.
How is this specifically helping you to grow your Amazon business?
I understand the importance of building a personal brand, but are you suggesting that to be something complementary to the amazon business and potentially making an other income stream through for example podcasts, courses, blogs, etc?
Is this what you mean or am I missing something?

On more than one occasion, brands that we spoke with mentioned that they had research me and, thanks to all the content I produce, they were very complimentary of my skills/experience and each time this happened, we won the account.

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